Financial results

1H 2024

Consensus Overview

Pre-earnings call
Date 11 July 2024 3.00pm CET
Topic Reiterate previous messaging and how observable macro movements and previously published sensitivities may impact NN Group’s financials (operating capital generation, the solvency 2 ratio and the cash capital at the holding company).*
NN Group participants Investor Relations
Intended audience Sell side analysts, dial-in details obtainable via Investor Relations

* The information that will be discussed has been assessed not to contain price sensitive information. No new documents or slides will be published for this call.

2H 2023

Press Release

NN Group reports results for second half of 2023

Analyst Presentation

Audio Analyst Call

Audiocast - Analyst call 2H23

Company Profile

ESG Presentation

Consensus Overview

2H 2022

Press Release

NN Group reports 2H22 results

Analyst Presentation

Audio Analyst Call

Audiocast - Analyst call 2H22

Company Profile

ESG Presentation

2H 2021

Press Release

NN Group reports 2H21 results

Analyst Presentation

Audio Analyst Call

Audiocast - Analyst call 2H21

Company Profile

ESG Presentation

Press Release

NN Group reports 1H21 results

Analyst Presentation

Audio Analyst Call

Audiocast - Analyst call 1H21

Company Profile

ESG Presentation

2H 2020

Press Release

NN Group reports 2H20 results

Analyst Presentation

Audio Analyst Call

Audiocast - Analyst call 2H20

Company Profile

ESG Presentation

Press Release

NN Group reports 1H20 results

Analyst Presentation

Audio Analyst Call

Audiocast - Analyst call 1H20

Company Profile

ESG Presentation

4Q 2019

4Q 2018

4Q 2017

Press Release

NN Group reports 4Q17 results

Analyst Presentation

Company Profile

4Q 2016

4Q 2015

Contact us if you have any questions about our financial reports.
An archive of Delta Lloyd documents is available here.

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