NN Group debt & credit ratings

To fund its activities, NN Group has issued senior and subordinated debt. In addition, NN Bank has a Covered Bond programme and an RMBS programme for its secured funding activities, as well as a Debt Issuance Programme for its unsecured funding.

NN Group debt securities

NN Group N.V. has issued several subordinated and senior bonds and has a Debt Issuance Programme in place.

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NN Group credit ratings

Credit ratings are indicators of the probability of timely and full repayment of interest and the principal amount of fixed-income securities. NN Group has been awarded credit ratings from Standard & Poor’s and Fitch Ratings.

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Sustainable Bonds

NN Group believes that Green, Social and Sustainability Bonds are an effective tool to channel financing to projects that have demonstrated clear environmental, climate or social benefits and contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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