Our Boards

NN Group N.V. (NN Group) is a public limited liability company (naamloze vennootschap) incorporated under the laws of the Netherlands. NN Group has a two-tier board structure consisting of an Executive Board and a Supervisory Board. NN Group also has a Management Board.

The Supervisory Board is responsible for supervising the management performed by the Executive Board and the general course of affairs of NN Group and its associated businesses. The Supervisory Board assists the Executive Board with advice. 

The Executive Board is entrusted with the management, strategy and operations of NN Group under the supervision of the Supervisory Board.

The Management Board is responsible for the day-to-day management of NN Group and the company’s overall strategic direction.

Management Board NN Group

* also member of the Executive Board.

Supervisory Board NN Group

Our Supervisory Board committees

The Supervisory Board has established from among its members three committees, (i) the Audit Committee, (ii) the Risk Committee and (iii) the Nomination, Remuneration and Governance Committee. The function of these committees is to prepare the discussion and decision making of the Supervisory Board.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee assists the Supervisory Board in monitoring the integrity of the financial statements of NN Group, in monitoring the compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and in monitoring the independence and performance of NN Group’s internal and external auditors.

The members of the Audit Committee are Mr R.J.W. Lelieveld (chair), Mr R.W. Jenkins, Ms P.F.M. van der Meer Mohr, Ms C. Reyes and Mr J.V. Timmermans.

download the Audit Committee Charter

Risk Committee

The Risk Committee assists and advises the Supervisory Board in monitoring the risk profile of NN Group as well as the structure and operation of the internal risk management and control systems.

The members of the Risk Committee are Ms C. Reyes (chair), Ms I.K. Beale, Mr R.W. Jenkins, Mr R.J.W. Lelieveld and Mr J.V. Timmermans.

download the Risk Committee Charter

Nomination, Remuneration and Governance Committee

The Nomination, Remuneration and Governance Committee advises the Supervisory Board, among other things, on the composition of the Supervisory Board and Executive Board and assists the Supervisory Board in monitoring and evaluating the corporate governance of NN Group as a whole and the reporting thereon in the Annual Report and to the General Meeting. In addition, it advises the Supervisory Board, among other things, on the terms and conditions of employment (including their remuneration) of Executive Board members and the policies and general principles on which the terms and conditions of employment of Executive Board members, Management Board members and of senior managers of NN Group and its subsidiaries are based. 

The members of the Nomination, Remuneration and Governance Committee are Ms P.F.M. van der Meer Mohr (chair), Ms I.K. Beale, Mr D.A. Cole and Mr R.J.W. Lelieveld.

download the Nomination, Remuneration and Governance Committee Charter

Share ownership Executive Team

Members of the Executive Board, Management Board and Supervisory Board are permitted to hold NN Group shares for long-term investment purposes. Transactions in these shares are subject to NN Group’s regulations for insiders. Movements in the holding of NN Group shares may take place for various reasons, including as a result of dividend pay-out or as part of the remuneration.

Information on transactions in NN Group securities by persons and institutions who are obliged to notify transactions in NN Group securities can be found on www.afm.nl, the website of the Dutch regulator.

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