
NN Group Code of Conduct

Our purpose is to help people care for what matters most to them. To fulfil our purpose, we are guided in our work by our values: care, clear, commit. Our values, which are published under the title NN statement of Living our Values, set the standard for conduct and provide a compass for decision-making. These values are further expanded in the General Code of Conduct NN Netherlands (‘Code of Conduct’). Furthermore, the Code of Conduct provides additional standards and rules, to ensure that the requirements NN has for the employees are clear to them.

download the NN Group Code of Conduct

download the NN Group Algemene Gedragscode

NN Group Whistleblower Standard & Policy

Your voice matters, Speak up!

Employees are encouraged to report any misconduct or any breaches of our rules and regulations, the NN statement of Living our Values, or our Code of Conduct. We encourage internal reporting of (potential) concerns and/or breaches of local and European Union (EU)|regulations, NN Core Values and NN policies through various channels. Whenever (potential) concerns and/or breaches are reported, NN takes them seriously and carefully assesses each report.

The NN Group Whistleblower Policy was updated with the EU Whistleblower Directive as of 17 December 2021. In 2023 the Whistleblower policy was revised, updated and divided in two NN Whistleblower Standards.

Dutch Business Units and Group Staff Functions

In the Netherlands, our NN Whistleblower policy has changed into a NN Whistleblower Standard and a Reporting Concern Standard within the Netherlands due to European and local legislation. We now have two Standards in place:

  • The Whistleblower Standard. Within this Standard you can make a report related to only (suspicion of) wrongdoing (including but not limited to the most relevant to NN) in financial services; products and markets; consumer protection; protection of privacy and personal data, and security of network and information systems. Inappropriate or prohibited employee behaviour in relation to corruption & bribery, fraud and insider trading can also be reported.

Whistleblower Standard for Dutch BUs and Group Support Functions of NN Group

  • The Reporting Concerns Standard. Within this Standard you can only report concerns related to: NN’s Values; NN’s Code of Conduct; any NN Policy. The concerns that can be raised include concerns related to all sorts of potential misconduct and/or breaches, Integrity concerns, discrimination, verbal, physical or sexual harassment and/or intimidation or use of insulting and obscene language, human rights or other grievance in relation to the NN Values, NN Code of Conduct or other NN policy.

Reporting Concerns standard

International Business Units

  • Within the NN International Whistleblower Policy/Standard, we encourage you to report all (potential) wrongdoing, concerns and/or breaches of local and European Union (EU) regulations, NN's Core Values, NN’s Code of Conduct and any NN Policy.

    NN International Whistleblower Policy/Standard

    Reporting misconduct and related concerns

    Employees are encouraged to report any misconduct, concerns or any breaches of our rules and regulations, the NN statement of Living our Values, or our Code of Conduct:

    • Through the normal reporting channels (i.e. through their immediate or next higher level manager) in order to keep an open dialogue.
    • If they feel uncomfortable reporting to their management, employees can reach out to the Reporting Officers. In principle this is a compliance officer who has been appointed to manage reports confidentially and to communicate with reporters about their duties and rights, and to follow up on their case.
    • If employees do not feel comfortable with one of the above mentioned possibilities, they can report (anonymously) via the Speak Up system in their own language. The Speak Up system is designed, established and operated in a secure manner that ensures the confidentiality of the identity of the reporter if desired and prevents access thereto by unauthorised NN employees. A Reporting Officer will handle the report and communicate with the reporter.

    NN Group guarantees several rights, including protection from retaliation, for a Whistleblower who reports a concern or breach in good faith and in a work-related context.

    The Whistleblower Standard/Policy also applies to external reporting persons as defined in paragraph 7.2 (2III) of the Standard/Policy who acquired information on breaches in a work-related context with NN. If you are such a reporting person you can report via the Speak Up System.

    Speak Up system

    You can submit an anonymous or personalised report online or by phone. Visit the Speak Up website (access code 90749) or call 0800 0222931 (access code 90749) and follow the instructions.

    Please write down your case number carefully as you will need this number to access the response to your report.

    After filing your report, we will contact you through Speak Up, to safeguard your anonymity and confidentiality. You will receive an acknowledgment via Speak Up of your report. Within four weeks, we will assess if your report is admissible under the Whistleblower Standard/The Reporting Concerns Standard, the International Whistleblower Policy or applicable to be handled by other Standards/procedures.

    Privacy statement NN Whistleblower system

    NN Group Compliance Function Charter

    Effective compliance risk management helps NN to live up to and deliver on its strategic focus and values. It contributes to building trust in the company, both internally and externally, and protects NN’s brand. It enables NN to meet its compliance obligations and protect it from financial loss or reputational damage. It improves the way NN interacts with its stakeholders, enables NN to maintain a sustainable business and provides the license to operate.

    This Charter, which was renewed in July 2019 and reviewed in October 2024, describes the way NN Group’s Compliance Function enables, advises, challenges, supports and oversees NN Group’s Compliance Risk Management.

    NN Group Compliance Function Charter

    Personal Trading Standard

    The Personal Trading Standard is an NN Group policy, based on the Market Abuse Regulation (Verordening Marktmisbruik). An essential element of this policy is to prevent (the appearance of) dealing while having inside information regarding NN Group and/or other listed companies. Employees within the organisation who (could) possess inside information regarding NN Group and/or 3rd Party issuers are assigned as ‘Full Regime NN and/or Full Regime Third Party issuers’ and are as such governed by the (additional) rules of the Personal Trading Standard. These rules refer, among other things, to their personal account dealing in NN financial instruments and/or other listed companies, the monitoring thereof and the treatment of confidential information.

    download Personal Trading Standard

    Gifts, Events and Business meals Policy

    The Gifts, Events and Business meals Policy lists mandatory minimum requirements that need to be met to support NN Group and its underlying entities in mitigating the risk of bribery,  corruption and unsound conflicts of interest related to gifts, events and business meals. 

    NN strictly prohibits the offering or accepting of bribes. We expect employees not to engage in any activity that may give the appearance of offering or accepting a bribe. As offering and receiving gifts and events and/or offering sponsorship and donations can be part of doing business, we have established rules to help prevent employees from unwittingly crossing boundaries and/or compromising their independent position towards third parties. As a general guideline, we expect all gifts, events and business meals to be reasonable in cost, quantity and frequency. And they should be provided and received in an open and transparent way. In case of doubt, employees are expected to seek guidance from management. Each NN entity has its own standard for gifts, events and business meals in place, approved by the Group, which defines thresholds and limits to frequencies, as well as registration requirements for gifts, events and business meals. These thresholds, limits and registration requirements may differ per NN entity. As a minimum requirement, however, all standards should reflect that employees may not offer or accept travel, accommodation, facilitation payments and cash or cash equivalents. NN entities are not permitted to make gifts or political donations or to offer events to political parties or candidates for political office.

    download the Gifts, Events and Business meals Policy

    Financial Economic Crime Statement

    Our purpose is we help people care for what matters most to them. We are committed to doing business in a way that is consistent with our values: care, clear, commit. These values guide our interactions with all stakeholders, and they embody responsible business conduct and corporate citizenship. As a corporate citizen and gatekeeper, NN Group takes its duty to protect the integrity of the financial system seriously. This commitment is reflected in our Financial Economic Crime (FEC) Statement. It sets out our approach to prevent and detect FEC and is based on international, European and Dutch standards, legislation and business practices.

    download the FEC Statement

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