Woonnu aims to make Dutch housing market more sustainable

NN wants to support our customers with products and services that have a positive environmental impact. With this aim we launched Woonnu, a full subsidiary of Nationale-Nederlanden Bank, to make sustainable homes an even more attractive option for our customers. On its first anniversary of operation, Woonnu has already captured close to 1% of the Dutch mortgage market, showing it clearly meets a customer need. 

Woonnu responds to the increasing demand of home buyers, mortgage advisors and investors for sustainable and contemporary solutions. The mortgage provider supports and rewards consumers who are looking to buy an energy-efficient home or who are taking steps to make their current home more eco-friendly.  

Supporting the transition to a greener energy label

In the Netherlands, all homes must have an energy label when they are built, sold or rented, ranking from A to G. Homes with an ‘A’ label are considered the most energy efficient, while homes with a ‘G’ label are the least energy efficient. Woonnu supports sustainable living with a discount on mortgage interest for homes with a high energy label (A and B). Since its launch in August 2020, Woonnu has established a strong portfolio of mortgages, with 90% of customers having an A energy label or plans to move to an A energy label.   

Going forward, Woonnu wants to attract customers with a lower energy label and support them with the conversion to a more energy efficient home. Homeowners investing in energy-saving measures such as solar panels or insulation receive a discount with each progression to a higher label. Woonnu rewards customers at every step in the process from a B energy label, with the interest rate discount applied for the entire mortgage term and for the entire mortgage. 

Sustainable housing for everyone

Making our homes more sustainable is not only good for the planet, it can also result in a lower energy bill and it may even increase a home’s value. To give consumers insight into potential energy savings also when taking out or refinancing a mortgage, Woonnu’s verduurzamingscheck (sustainability check) allows for an assessment of a property’s potential. This check can be followed by a visit from partner Susteen who provides a tailored sustainability report.

Woonnu works closely with financial intermediaries, who play an important role in supporting customers considering improving the energy efficiency of their home, either when they purchase of a new home or when refinancing the mortgage. Research by Woonnu shows that 77% of customers think sustainability is an important factor in the purchase decision.

Patricia Plass, CEO of Woonnu: ‘At Woonnu we believe that sustainable housing should be possible for everyone. That is why we help consumers and mortgage advisors with our sustainability checks and support Woonnu clients undertaking the actual sustainability conversion.’ 

Hendrik Jan Luikinga, Chief Investment Officer at Woonnu: ‘Our focus on sustainability has resulted in a high quality green portfolio which is very attractive for investors. A unique differentiator in the market.’

Watch the video, where Patricia explains how Woonnu aims to contribute to a more sustainable housing market in the Netherlands.  

Commitment of the financial sector to the Dutch climate agreement 

With Woonnu, Nationale-Nederlanden underlines its commitment to the Dutch Climate Agreement which aims to reduce CO2 emissions by 49% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels.

As part of this commitment, Nationale-Nederlanden Bank and Woonnu in May 2021 joined two European sustainability initiatives with the aim of making the mortgage market more sustainable.

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