Supporting our customers with engagement platforms

At NN, we see our customers as the starting point of everything we do. Driving the future of customer experience helps us to truly engage with our customers on the things that matter to them.​​​​​​    

Key to this is meeting customers on the channels they use; this means meeting our customers where they are. In today’s world, many of these channels are customer engagement platforms. To be successful we need to have more than just great products and services; our customers also expect digital convenience. For NN, this means we optimise every detail of the customer journey – becoming a partner in life for our customers.

What is a customer engagement platform?

‘A platform is a digital environment where you can buy the products you want, quickly and without any hassle, fully meeting personal needs. Thanks to their digital nature, platforms bring together multiple companies and players that collaborate and offer a superior customer experience.’ Matthijs Tanis, Transformation and Partnerships Manager, NN Group.

Engagement platforms at NN

Digital convenience and having a strong customer relationship are the foundation of customer engagement platforms. At NN, we have started our journey of building engagement platforms around key areas such as Carefree Retirement and Self-care.

Carefree Retirement – Netherlands

Carefree Retirement is about independence, financial security and life purpose. Enjoying this time without stress means more than a financially sound pension. As we aim to be an active participant in Carefree Retirement platforms, we recently launched several initiatives in the Netherlands.

  • Kwiek supports people aged 65 years and over to find a job and fight loneliness. In this way, the platform helps people stay relevant, socially active and in good financial health.  

  • Zorggenoot is a service that helps informal caregivers understand how to navigate the complicated landscape of arranging care for their dear ones.

  • NN invested in social start-up Klup which connects like-minded people and stimulates an active life among those aged 50 and over.  

Self-care – International Insurance

Self-care is about gaining timely access to quality healthcare. In our international business units we have initiated a proposition around this theme.

  • Health Companion is a platform being developed with colleagues in Poland and Turkey that empowers people to look after their family’s health. By providing access to quality healthcare, by making seeing a doctor easier and quicker, and by helping customers live a healthier life.

Business-to-business (B2B)

For our business clients, an engagement platform serves as an ecosystem of relevant content and services. We are exploring the areas of employee well-being and business continuity.

  • In the Netherlands, HCS is a one-stop service provider for employers and employees that brings together services over the full employability chain. New well-being services and a platform are being developed to support employees of SMEs in their mental and physical well-being and to support employers in increasing employee engagement and productivity.

  • We launched Cyberwacht, which offers an emergency hotline for SMEs, freelancers and consumers who have been hacked, to help them minimise the impact. Several organisations have started using this service for their customers.


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