NN meets Bosses of Tomorrow (Bazen van Morgen)

Yesterday at NN, our senior leaders Tjeerd Bosklopper, Marcel Zuidam and Bianca Knispel participated in the annual JINC initiative de Baas van Morgen (Boss of Tomorrow). This project gives students who grow up in disadvantaged neighbourhoods the opportunity to lead a large company, ministry or municipality for a day. This year's theme is 'equal opportunities in the workplace'. 450 brave and ambitious children took part and were CEO, director or politician for a day. At Nationale-Nederlanden, Raphaëlla, Mostafa and Jayveon were in charge.

Tjeerd Bosklopper, member of the NN Group Management Board: ‘Today Raphaëlla took over my duties. In this way she experienced how our company runs and I learned a lot from her fresh perspective on our daily business. We also discussed how she thinks we can improve equality in the workplace in our organisation. And of course, we also had a lot of fun!’

Marcel Zuidam, CEO Nationale-Nederlanden Bank: ‘Today Jayveon was the boss of the 1,200 colleagues who work at our bank. And he did that very well! The topic of equal opportunities in the workplace is very important and that is why I participated. I believe that all young people deserve a good start in their career.’

Bianca Knispel, Director Retail Property & Casualty, OHRA and Care: ‘At our office in Arnhem, Mostafa was responsible for around 700,000 OHRA customers today. I was very impressed by his drive and enthusiasm. It's great that JINC can give children a look inside a company in this way and thus contribute to their future.’

NN Future Matters and JINC

Nationale-Nederlanden believes it is important to contribute to financial well-being in society. That is why NN Group has an overarching community investment programme, NN Future Matters. With this programme, NN, is committed to a sustainable society in which everyone can participate through donations and with the help of our many volunteers. Together with JINC, NN is working towards a society in which your background does not determine your future. The Baas van Morgen project is a good example of this. Giving more young people a voice promotes equal opportunities for these young people and their self-confidence is boosted. Our senior leaders of today also benefit a lot from this. The children have a fresh and open mind with which they can provide the professionals with new insights.

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