Supporting Economic Opportunities for All

NN Group is proud to announce the strategic involvement in the “Economic Opportunities for All” initiative with valued partner Junior Achievement Europe. This new educational, employment and entrepreneurship programme for young people that need opportunities and resources the most, broadens Junior Achievement’s reach in Europe. The partnership is part of NN’s Future Matters programme.

Dailah Nihot, Board Member of NN Group: ‘Investing in communities is part of our promise to society. We want to make an impact that lasts, and that is why we join forces with non-profit organisations with the right expertise. We have been a longstanding partner of JA Europe. The new initiative will support them in further building their capacity to help more youngsters in growing their economic opportunities. Shifting our attention to those who are currently underserved fits well with our efforts to promote a more inclusive and sustainable society.’ 

‘Now more than ever it is imperative to make sure no-one is left behind. Thanks to NN Group, we are able to extend innovative employment and entrepreneurship opportunities to the next generation of Europeans for them to succeed and thrive’ said Salvatore Nigro, CEO JA Europe.  

About Economic Opportunities for All

The “Economic Opportunities for All” initiative offers experience-based educational programmes and links to concrete employment and entrepreneurship economic opportunities. By inspiring and preparing young people through these programmes, they are better able to develop their entrepreneurial skills which supports them in moving into a career in the current global economy. “Economic Opportunities for All” initiative will be implemented Greece, the Netherlands, Spain and Romania. Junior Achievement and NN have been working together since 2015 in programmes such as the Social Innovation Relay, Entrepreneurial Skills Pass and the Social Innovation Camps. 

About JA Europe

JA Europe is the largest non-profit in Europe dedicated to preparing young people for employment and entrepreneurship. JA Europe is a member of JA Worldwide which for 100 years has delivered hands on, experiential learning in entrepreneurship, work readiness and financial literacy. JA creates pathways for employability, job creation and financial success. Last school year, the JA network in Europe reached almost 4 million young people across 40 countries with the support of nearly 100,000 business volunteers and over 140,000 teachers/educators.

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