NN Group for fifth year in a row included in Dow Jones Sustainability Index

For the fifth consecutive year NN Group remains included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI World). Scores are given on 3 dimensions: economic (81), environmental (94), and social (73). Overall NN scored 80 (out of 100), compared to the average industry score of 40. Inclusion in the DJSI means that NN Group ranks amongst the top 10% of the insurance sector with regard to its sustainability performance.

David Knibbe, CEO of NN Group: 'We are pleased that we have been included again in the index and that we can say that we celebrate our fifth anniversary. Our continued inclusion underpins the fact that sustainably is a long-term commitment for us. We pursue long-term value creation for our stakeholders in our daily activities. We continuously work on setting new and ambitious targets to underline our commitment, for example in the area of climate change. Through products and services that have an additional positive social and environmental impact, we support our customers with solutions that help them address societal challenges.’

S&P Dow Jones Indices, one of the world’s leading providers of financial market indices, and RobecoSAM, the investment specialist focused exclusively on sustainability, yesterday announced the results of the annual Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) review.

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