NN supports UN Sustainable Development Goals

On SDG Action Day (25 September), three NN offices in the Netherlands raised the SDG flag. Together with hundreds of other companies, governmental institutions and educational organisations in the Netherlands, NN expressed its support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Dailah Nihot, member of the Management Board of NN Group: ‘One of our company’s strategic commitments is to make a positive contribution to society. We aim to put our resources, expertise, and networks to use for the well-being of our customers, the advancement of our communities, the preservation of our planet, and for the promotion of a resilient, inclusive, and sustainable economy. The objectives in the SDGs are in that sense reflected in our strategy and form an integral part of our business. The SDGs also challenge and inspire us to take further action.’

As part of SDG Action Day, Global Compact Network Netherlands published the report ‘Stakeholder inclusion as accelerator for the SDGs’. The report includes two practices that show how we translate the SDGs to our business.

‘We help people care for their financial situation’

With our community investment programme, NN Future Matters we aim to improve people’s financial resilience and economic opportunities in the communities where we live and work. The programme targets different elements covered by SDGs 1, 4 and 8. Since the start, we have reached more than 138,000 young people - exceeding our target of 100,000 young people by 2020.

The report highlighted our From Debt to Opportunities programme and two initiatives on how we support customers in arears. Read more about how NN contributes to positive change in communities.

Putting capital to work; preferring inclusion over exclusion

The second practice is about how important responsible investing (RI) is in what we do. In our role as investors, we integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into our investment process. We apply different RI strategies, such as norms-based, voting, engagement, ESG integration and restriction. Our approach reflects our investment beliefs, our company’s values, relevant laws, and internationally recognised norms and standards. Read more about NN’s approach to RI.


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