Historical collection

The History Department at NN Group preserves and provides access to records and permanent items of historic importance of our more than 175 years of history. The collection contains archives, advertising materials, objects and photos. We are pleased to offer you a selection of articles of some of the more remarkable items in our collection.

One such object is an influential book about Life Annuities, dated 1671 and written by Johan de Witt, scientist and the Dutch prime minister of the time.  His was the first mathematical approach to include chance and probability, which he applied to the insurance business. There is also more about Hendrik Berlage,  our ‘house architect’ for about 30 years who designed several innovative buildings for a predecessor of NN Group. Also on hand is a monumental fire hose book (1690), including beautiful engravings,  from Jan van der Heyden which includes an overview of the fires in Amsterdam since 1651.

Contact our History Department for more about our heritage and historical collection: history@nn-group.com

2020 marks 75 years since the Netherlands was liberated from German occupation at the end of World War Two.
Around 1900, the first automobiles arrive in the Netherlands. The number of cars grows rapidly from 150 in the first years to close to 7,000 in 1920
The predecessors of NN invest to borrow and increase capital.
In 1845, one of the predecessors of NN Group was founded by Christiaan Henny and Gerrit-Jan Dercksen.
Delta Lloyd has a long and diverse history.
Julius Pinschewer (1883-1961) was a famous film pioneer in the first half of the 19th century.
In 1907, Mr W.J.M. Westerwoudt, bought this painting.
Since the 18th century, fire plates – or insurance plates - were used to signify that a property was insured.
The photographer Cas van Os (Rotterdam, 1907-1989) worked for the Nationale since the 1940s.
A policy is the written proof of an agreement between an insurer and the insurance holder.
The calculator could add, subtract, and perform long multiplications.
The ‘Waerdye’ is seen as the first mathematical approach to chance and probability.
The ‘Brandspuitenboek’ (‘Firehose Book’) is one of the most important writings in the history of fire-extinguishing.
These reports were compiled by so-called foreign inspectors who travelled abroad from 1880 to 1940.
Berlage was called the ‘house architect’ of De Nederlanden.

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